
Learn iOS Programming in Ireland and UK from Professional trainers. Course starts from €400 or £330 or $425. Choose timings at your convenience.

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About the Course

Course Objective

Course Features



ChartTics offers real time and practical iOS training Online in Dublin, Ireland and UK , Live Instructor-led Online training and Video training will advance your career as Business Intelligence Developer or Analyst.

We also have several App Development training in Dublin, Ireland and UK

After the completion of course at ChartTics, you will be able to:

  • Understand the core construct of newly introduced Swift Programming Language
  • Leverage Swift’s new language features like optionals and closures
  • Create Extensions to extend Swift’s Out Of Box functionality
  • Create Generics to increase our code’s flexibility and power
  • Understand Swift’s new initializer pattern
  • Understand iCloud & Core Data Framework
  • Work with Autolayouts to build applications for all screen sizes
  • Work on a real life Project, implementing all the features learnt during the class to derive Business Insights
  • Online Courses: 30 Hours
  • Assignments: 20 Hours
  • Project: 20 Hours

At the end of your course, you will work on a real time Project. Once you are successfully through with the project (reviewed by an expert), you will be awarded a certificate with a performance based grading.

If your project is not approved in 1st attempt, you can take additional assistance to understand the concepts better and reattempt the Project free of cost.


Value for Money (9.3/10)

Instructor Skills (9.7/10)

Course Content (9.4/10)

Live Interaction (9.6/10)


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 4 reviews

API – Integration specialist / Sr Architect, Georgia

Anyone who wants to learn IOS or Android, I can guarantee that ChartTics is best place to start. Their Instructors are well knowledged. The course was really helpful for me to understand the concepts from beginning to end. The instructor was so knowledgeable, patient. There was never any technical issue like audio/video/connectivity and the classes were very smooth

Wipro, India

I took this course with ChartTics and overall I am a satisfied customer. After scanning and inquiring many institutes I decided to go with ChartTics as they are cheaper than others and also the review for them was good. The classes were smooth and the instructor was really good experienced candidate

Senior Java Consultant, Credit Suisse, UK

I am enrolled on Android,IOS,Java advance and design patterns.The lectures are awesome.Slieds and project files are so helpfull.I am so happy and satisfied

Reporting Architect at British Gas UK

The only word for training is “Awesome”. The excellent post class support and training methodology are icing on the cake. Worth joining ChartTics


Online Training

  • Instructor led Online
  • Interactive Training

Classroom Training

  • Classroom in Dublin
  • Interactive Training

1-to-1 Online

  • Instructor led Online
  • One-to-One Training


Section 1Introduction to Development MAC OS, IDE – XCODE, Interface Builder
Section 2Introduction to Objective-C
Section 3Cocoa Design patterns
Section 4Memory Management
Section 5Objective -C ARC
Section 6Orientation and iPhone sensors
Section 7Working With TableView
Section 8Multi View Applications
Section 9CoreGraphics and QuartzCore
Section 10Maps SDK
Section 11REST and SOAP services , XML and JSON Parsing
Section 12MultiTasking in iOS
Section 13Data Base Persistence
Section 14Media interaction
Section 15Notifications
Section 16Social Network Integration
Section 17Testing And Deployment